Virtual Embraced Space ProbER

What VESPER is | What VESPER is for | The Structure of VESPER | Work flow of VESPER | Link

What VESPER is

The VESPER(Virtual Embraced Space ProbER) is the framework to gather the state of guest kernel.

What VESPER is for

The VESPER(Virtual Embraced Space ProbER) is for
(*)We are going to testify the availability of VESPER with the cluster-ware below.

The Structure of VESPER

The Image of VESPER

image of VESPER

The Structure of VESPER

structure of VESPER

Work flow of VESPER

  1. Management Tool in host requests the state of a guest to VESPER UI.
  2. VESPER UI in control Layer generates SystemTapAgent with SystemTap, then requests to Loader/Un in Action Layer.
  3. Loader/Un sends SystemTapAgent info to C-chan in Communication Layer.
  4. C-chan of host will notify C-chan of the guest.
  5. C-chan of guest will notify Loader/Un in Action Layer of the guest, with SystemTapAgent Info from the host.
  6. Loader/Un in guest loads the SystemTapAgent to the guest kernel image.
  7. The SystemTapAgent gathers information of the guest kernel state and write to Relay-like in Action Layer of the guest.
  8. Relay-like of the guest sends the information to D-chan in communication layer of the guest.
  9. D-chan of the guest will notify D-chan of the host.
  10. D-chan of the host send the information to Relay-like in Action Layer of the host.
  11. Relay-like of the host write the information to Relay of SystemTap of the host.
  12. VESPER UI sends back to the information to the Management Tool.


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